I’m nearing the end of the James Patterson Master class set of videos. I have a routine for them now, I watch them in two’s. I watch the second one I watched the previous time and a new one. The first time I watch one of them I take notes, yes to refer to, but for me it also helps plant what I consider those important nuggets in my head. The second time through I try to just listen and it’s amazing how you then latch onto new words of wisdom. I’m now onto his thoughts on the thing that we writers must consider besides the actual mechanics of writing (some are perhaps more relevant than others – you’ll understand). I’ll skip over working with a co-author, only because at the moment I’m not even remotely considering it.
The next three are all things that are perhaps the most difficult for the new/self-publishing author: Getting Published, Book titles and Covers, Marketing i.e. marketing yourself and your treasured work.
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