That very last (honest, I mean) revision - what I look for
I’ve been doing a lot of revision recently. On top of finalising the second and third books for Inspector Kirby I am also revisiting my first book, for which I’ve had books two and three sitting on my hard drive for a few years now. I’m not saying I’m an expert, however, I have got into a sort of rhythm with it. I write the story quickly. I rarely go back and tinker until the whole thing is finished (unless I have a eureka moment). The first few revisions are easy and I find it fun. I’m assessing the plot, adding interest, finding better way to describe, correcting clunky prose etc. At some (undefined) point I draw the line on this and go into to polishing mode. I’ve done that for Kirby and that’s what I’m doing now to that other series, including the one I’ve published (after all it was my first book). I don’t know if doing so much revision has sensitised me however I find myself, in that last run through, obsessively looking for certain things.
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