The Cons
You are on your own. Yes, you can pay for services (and I would advise you do, at least for some of what you need). However, all the drive and motivation has to come from you, from the desire to first put finger to keyboard to going out there, running a marketing campaign and finding your audience. You, unless you are very lucky, are the only one investing time energy and money in making your book a success.
When it comes to those services you may wish to use, editorial, proof reading, book covers, marketing etc. all those have to come out of your own pocket up front on (at least for most indie authors) the hope that you will have pay-back in time. Oh, and that time may well be several/many books down the road, if you’re lucky and you keep at it.
Like it or not a lot of the reading public will view your books as an inferior product. It is a view that I believe is changing, albeit slowly. However, I feel it is a view still promoted by many in the traditional publishing industry, which is natural I guess as it can been seen as a threat to their livelihoods. There are authors who have overcome that perception and are successful. However, it is a battle I believe indie authors face and we do not always help ourselves (see consequences).
For the full blog follow the link :http://wp.me/p3ycbY-1tw
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