Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Where is society going? What will the future look like?

In a number of prevoius blogs I've discussed where our relationships with intelligent machines may be taking us.  Now I would like to look in general at how society might develop in the future, first here on Earth and then later perhaps on other worlds.  In this first blog I start to ask why, despite modern communications, we continue to grow our cities?  Where is this going?

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

My top 5 science fiction inventions

This weeks blog looks at some of my personal favourite science fiction inventions.  What would yours be?

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

5 more reasons why writers should blog

A few months a go I wrote 5 good reason why writers should blog.  Well, after many more blogs I've written 5 more reasons why I think writers should blog:  

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Robots, androids and intelligent machines - what next?

In Sept 2013 I wrote a blog on this subject asking the question 'do we want them to look human?' I suggested the answer was 'no'. But, perhaps it's not that simple?  This weeks blog: