When you read a book the setting is like another character. It’s important, you want to picture the characters in their surroundings, even if your version of that picture is different to everyone else. I’ve written before on how I see describing settings as a balance between giving enough information to convey something of my vision of any given place while still leaving enough room for the reader to form their own picture. It’s like I provide the outline and the reader colours it in. For the Inspector Kirby books this was an interesting and evolving process.
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My last book, Inspector Kirby and Harold Longcoat - A Northumbrian Mystery went down well with those who read it. There just weren’t enough of those readers. A familiar story to many out there I’m sure. It was fun to write and everyone said it was fun to read, which is great. However, it was still just one book and everything you read tells you as an indie author you need a series. Well, I’ve done it. I’ve written books two and three and the early feedback has been positive. So what now?
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