Wednesday, 24 June 2015

The natural world - be amazed.

As a writer I think it is important that I understand the world around me.  As a human being, well, it is just important.  At some point many of us stop being amazed by the natural world. If we could recapture that fascination perhaps we'd be less likely to destroy it. 

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Fortitude - a lesson from the canal builders

Sometimes in this modern world it is far too easy to give up on something.  Or we look at all the reasons not to go ahead with a project rather than see the benefits.  I think we can all learn something from the canal builders

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

The Universe - 15 mind boggling facts

As a science fiction writer I find some of the facts about our universe both mind boggling and inspiring.  It convinces me that out there anything is possible.