Well I'm back on one of my favourite subjects,
our relationships with intelligent machines. So what will happen when they become smarter than us - which the surely must? This weeks blog: http://wp.me/p3ycbY-12E
I think sometime in the 1970's it became the trend for science fiction stories to get longer and longer. As if size equated to value. In a lot of cases this was not a good thing. It seems that e-publishing may be reversing this to some extent. My bog: http://wp.me/p3ycbY-12w
This week I take a look at a piece of advice that's often given out to writers, especially new writers: 'If it doesn't move the story along, take it out.'
I say don't ignore it, but do treat it with caution.
Late this week due to technical issues. I read an article suggesting we shouldn't be looking to leave the earth when we have so many problems, it made me think. Space exploration and scifi - why we need them both. http://wp.me/p3ycbY-12g