Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Life, how long can we live (part 2) - What will that mean ?

The second part of my blog looking at one of the basic science fiction assumptions:  In future people will live for hundreds or thousands of years.  What will will mean for individual lives?.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Life, how long can we live - and what will that mean (part 1)

Big questions this week:  Why do we age?, how long can we live? and what will an extended life mean for us and the human race? 

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

What do androids want from life?

I know it might seem a bit strange but I worry about these things.  I can't help feel that we humans are being a bit mean by creating androids / robots that look like us.  My blog: 

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Confessions of a new blogger - what I've learnt so far (or not)

I started blogging on science fiction, writing, self publishing and anything else that amused me about four months ago.  This is what I have learnt so far, or not.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

How high can you jump on the moon?

As kids we all did the calculation: Gravity on the moon is about one sixth of that on earth so you can jump six times as high or long, right?  Wrong!  Its better than that.  See my Blog:  How high could you jump on the moon?