Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Robots, Androids and Intelligent Machines - do we want them to look human?

I've never understood why we need to have robots or androids that look human.  Surely its better have machines, even intelligent machines, looking like machines? My blog

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

'Gor blimey gov it's a fair cop and no mistake' - How do we deal with dialect/accents in written fiction?

 I recently read 'The Mote in Gods Eye' by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle first released in the 1970s.  I enjoyed the book, but a number of characters had a pronounced Scottish accent which when written down I found distracting.   So, how do we deal with accents in fiction?  My blog:

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Help me build a dictionary of body language

Having had my manuscripts proof read I realise I tend to use the same body language expressions all the time particularly 'raised eyebrows'.  It occurred to me a dictionary of body language for writers might be a good idea.  See my blog  'Dictionary of body language? - lessons from my proof reader'

Friday, 6 September 2013

Are we humans still evolving?

Bit of a strange one this, but are we selectively breeding ourselves to produce sub species ? My blog:

Monday, 2 September 2013

The problems with writing 'near future' science fiction

I think predicting the near future is much more problematic for a writer than predicting the distant future.  My blog: