Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Robots, Androids and Intelligent Machines - do we want them to look human?

Wednesday, 18 September 2013
'Gor blimey gov it's a fair cop and no mistake' - How do we deal with dialect/accents in written fiction?
I recently read 'The Mote in Gods Eye' by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle first released in the 1970s. I enjoyed the book, but a number of characters had a pronounced Scottish accent which when written down I found distracting. So, how do we deal with accents in fiction? My blog: http://wp.me/p3ycbY-aq
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
Help me build a dictionary of body language
Having had my manuscripts proof read I realise I tend to use the same body language expressions all the time particularly 'raised eyebrows'. It occurred to me a dictionary of body language for writers might be a good idea. See my blog 'Dictionary of body language? - lessons from my proof reader' http://wp.me/p3ycbY-ah
Friday, 6 September 2013
Are we humans still evolving?
Bit of a strange one this, but are we selectively breeding ourselves to produce sub species ? My blog:http://wp.me/p3ycbY-aa
Monday, 2 September 2013
The problems with writing 'near future' science fiction
I think predicting the near future is much more problematic for a writer than predicting the distant future. My blog: http://wp.me/p3ycbY-a1
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